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Exit and Succession Planning

Exit and succession planningMark E. Feinsot, CPA, a CPA firm, offers succession planning and business exit planning services for family and business owners. The goal of succession planning is to develop an effective business exit strategy either through the sale of the business or through a transition to other family members.  The process is highly customized and is designed to attain very specific, personal goals of the current owner.

If your primary goal is to sell the business for your retirement, our team of succession planning experts can help.  We’ll work with you to define your goals, identify the financial strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan to maximize the value of the business. 

If your goal is to keep the business in the family, we can assist you with identifying and preparing a successor, estate and trust planning, minimize gift taxes and insurance planning. With our guidance, succession planning can be a financially rewarding and pleasant experience.

Our succession planning and exit strategy services include:

  • Preparing the business for sale or internal transfer
  • Identifying a buyer or preparing a successor
  • Estate and trust planning
  • Gift tax planning
  • Buy/sell agreements
  • Retirement planning

Call our experienced exit and succession planning team today at (212) 631-0320 and ask for Mark E. Feinsot, CPA for more information.  It’s never too early to prepare an exit strategy.