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Retirement Distribution Planning

Retirement distribution planningWith all the implications retirement distribution options can have, working with a competent and knowledgeable financial advisor is key.  At Mark E. Feinsot, CPA, our advisors will review all of your retirement benefit information (account statements, communication from your employer, etc.) to determine the best distribution options available to you, and whether any of your assets are eligible for favorable tax treatment.  

Withdrawing your retirement funds can have major tax implications

As you plan for retirement, a key consideration is how you will withdraw the retirement funds you’ve accumulated over the years.  Retirement distribution planning is critical not only from an investment perspective, but from a tax minimization perspective. How you choose to distribute your money can affect the tax consequences of the distribution and its integration with your Social Security benefits. 

At Mark E. Feinsot, CPA our competent and knowledgeable CPAs have extensive experience with the tax laws.  We can help clients understand and plan for distribution of their retirement assets so retirement assets are distributed in a way to pay the least amount in taxes. In addition, we will work with you to review your retirement plans, determine your future income requirements and consider the role inflation will play on your future purchasing power.

Through careful planning we’ll ensure you pay the least amount of tax possible, and that your money is passed to heirs and charitable organizations you’ve designated upon your death.

Contact Mark Feinsot today at (212) 631-0320 to learn more about our retirement distribution planning services.